Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Love, Adore and Repair the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Meditate on His Passion
Message of St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri to Mario D'Ignazio on September 26, 2024

Love, adore and repair the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Meditate on His Passion.
Jesus loves everyone and desires to save everyone, but not everyone wants that.
Always pray. Praise Jesus Lord, King, Savior, Only Christ.
Venerate Mary Most Holy. Angels are to be prayed to.
It is Time of confusion, heresies, new paganism, temptations.
The church of darkness has taken power in Rome, the seat of Christianity. There His Holiness Benedict XVI, a great Pope and Martyr of the True Apostolic Creed, suffered much.
Let there be no shortage of holy altars in homes, with the candle lit. Make spiritual COMMUNION with the True EUCHARIST of the Church of Christ.
Enter the Heaven-led Little Flock, Remnant Church of Jesus Christ.
Be vigilant. Take up this Appeal and rise up. Be devoted to Christ Crucified and to Mary Most Holy.
The Three Days of Darkness will purify the whole world.
Now it is necessary to choose God, turn away from the Church of Darkness, pray the Rosary in the family.
There will be many murders in homes. Satan hates the woman because she remembers Mary Most Holy, and he tries to deface her. Satan hates everything and everyone.
Mary, New Eve, pray to Her. Mary, Ark of the Eternal New Covenant. She accompanies the Flock to Heaven. Love Her.
I greet you by strongly recommending that you pray as a family and raise Holy Altars of intense prayer. I bless you all, beloved Ones.
Pray to the Heart of Jesus like this:
Sacred Heart, furnace of Divine Love and Quietness, I entrust myself and consecrate myself forever to You.
You, Help of sinners, save me with Your GLORIOUS and Shining Divine Flame.
Holy Heart of my Eternal King, send down rivers of graces upon me. Bathe me with Thy Royal Blood and restore me. I am alone, weary, lost, tempted: I trust in You.
Save me Welcoming Heart of Jesus. You are the Safe Harbor in the shipwrecks of life. I adore You, I praise You, I bless You. Fill me with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and make me shine with Your Light. Guide me to the Father. Amen.